Our homestay in Czantoria was the bottom floor of this three floor house. Everything was included; kitchen, utensils, fridge, and best of all it was only 35 Zloty ($9) per person for each night.

The homestay even had a herd of cows in the backyard. The cows would come up to the fence to check us out from time to time.

We almost didn’t notice the house cat laying in the garden. He doesn’t seem too happy that we woke him up.

In order to get to the alpine slides we needed to hike up the slopes. There is also a ski lift that can take you up if you don’t want to walk.

You can see the entire town from the mountain. The slides are fun for all ages, the man is sliding down with a child in his lap.

Got this picture before the benches filled up since we went up early in the morning. In the winter the slopes are used for skiing and in the summer there are hiking trails to explore.

We have to cross these train tracks every time we want to get into town. The houses on the right are converted railroad cars that act as housing.

After getting ready to take a shower we noticed a strange moving shadow behind the curtain. At first we thought it was a bird, cats sleep in the strangest places.